Published and Forthcoming Works (see site for downloads)
Veal, R. & Leitch, V. (2019) Edited book: 'Fuel and Fire in the Ancient Roman World: towards an economic understanding.' McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research Archaeological Monographs: Conversations series; also: 'Introduction', 'History and science of fuel in the Roman world,' and 'Epilogue.'
Veal, R. (2018) Monograph sections: 'The environment of Villamagna through time,' and 'Timber', in E. Fentress, C. Goodson & M. Maiuro (eds.) Villa Magna near Anagni: an Imperial Villa and its Neighbours. Rome: Supplement, Papers of the British School at Rome: pp.50-55, and 70-71. I edited the macrobotanical and charcoal results for the electronic data summary for Villamagna environmental results, as well as ‘Charcoal analysis’ and Tree Cropping Indicators,’ online at
Veal, R. (2018) 'Charcoal and wood analysis.’ Entry in SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences Online (major contribution), (ed.) S. Varela, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781119188230.
Veal, R. (2017) 'Wood and charcoal for Rome: towards an understanding of ancient regional fuel economics,’ in (eds), de Haas, T. & Gijs, T., Rural communities in a globalizing economy: new perspectives on the economic integration of Roman Italy, Brill, (New York and Leiden): pp.388-406.
Veal, R. (2017) ‘The Politics and Economics of Ancient Forests: timber and fuel as levers of Greco-Roman control’ in Economy and Inequality : Resources, Exchange and Power in Classical Antiquity: Entretiens sur L’Antiquité Classique: 63, Fondation Hardt, Geneva: pp. 317-368.
Veal, R. (2017) 'Fuel in food production,' Tidjschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie (TMA) 56 Special Issue: Mediterranean Food Economies, (eds) Heinrich, F.B.J and Hansen, A.M: pp. 32-37.
Veal, R. (2017) ‘Firewood.’ Entry in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Online (gen ed). R. Bagnall, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.
Veal, R., L. O’Donnell, and L.C. McParland (2016) ‘Reflectance - current state of research and future directions for archaeological charcoal; results from a pilot study on Irish Bronze Age cremation charcoals’ Journal of Archaeological Science (75) 72-81
Vairo, M.R., Veal, R. and de Simone, G.F. (2015). L'evidenza per l'economia del legno e legna in Campania: i carboni dal nord Vesuvio del tardo antico. Rivista di Studi Pompeiani XXIV (cover is ante-dated 2013).
Veal, R. (2014). 'Pompeii and its hinterland connection: the fuel consumption of the House of the Vestals, c. third BC to AD 79.' European Journal of Archaeology,
Veal, R. (2013). ‘Fuelling Ancient Mediterranean Cities: a framework for charcoal research,’ in The Ancient Mediterranean between Environment and History, W.V. Harris (ed.), Columbia Classical Studies Series: pp. 37-58.
McCallum, M., vanderLeest, H., Veal, R., Taylor, A., Cooney, L., and Brown, L. (2013). The Roman villa at San Felice: investigations, 2004-2010, Mouseion Series 3.11; pp-25-108 (Journal of the Classical Association of Canada)
Veal, R. (2012). 'From context to economy: charcoal as an archaeological interpretive tool, a case study from Pompeii 3rd c. BC to AD 79,' in More than Just Numbers? The Role of Science in Roman Archaeology. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement No. 91, I.E. Schrüfer-Kolb (ed.), Ch 2, pp 19-52.
Veal, R. (2012). 'Examining continuity in the Landscape: the Late Roman fuel consumption of Insula IX at Calleva,' in Silchester and the study of Romano-British Urbansim, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement No. 90, Michael Fulford, (ed.) pp 225-248.
Veal, R., O’Donnell, L. and McParland, L. (2011). ‘Measuring burn temperatures from charcoal using the reflectance method: first results from an Irish Bronze Age Cremation Site.’ In 5th International Meeting of Charcoal Analysis. The Charcoal as Cultural and Biological Heritage, Badal, E., Carriòn, Y., Grau, E., Macías, M. and Ntinou., M., (edd.), Saguntum Extra 11:21-22 (refereed extended abstract). Extended article submitted to JAS, now online.
McParland, L.C., Collinson, M.E., Scott, A.C., Campbell, G. and Veal, R. (2010), 'Is vitrification in charcoal a result of high temperature burning of wood?' Journal of Archaeological Science (37) pp. 2679-2687.
(in press, 2020). Veal, R., Murphy, C., Slucky, A. & Leon, A. ‘Environmental results’ in Aeclanum excavations 2015-2018. FOLD&R Online.
Veal, R. (in prep). Book: 'Fuelling Pompeii: a synthetic study of the wood fuel economy of the city and its hinterland', Accordia Publishers, University of London.
Veal, R. (in prep). e-Book: 'A Charcoal Atlas of Ancient Campanian Woods'
Short reports are produced annually for excavation teams as required.
Veal, R. (2018) Monograph sections: 'The environment of Villamagna through time,' and 'Timber', in E. Fentress, C. Goodson & M. Maiuro (eds.) Villa Magna near Anagni: an Imperial Villa and its Neighbours. Rome: Supplement, Papers of the British School at Rome: pp.50-55, and 70-71. I edited the macrobotanical and charcoal results for the electronic data summary for Villamagna environmental results, as well as ‘Charcoal analysis’ and Tree Cropping Indicators,’ online at
Veal, R. (2018) 'Charcoal and wood analysis.’ Entry in SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences Online (major contribution), (ed.) S. Varela, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781119188230.
Veal, R. (2017) 'Wood and charcoal for Rome: towards an understanding of ancient regional fuel economics,’ in (eds), de Haas, T. & Gijs, T., Rural communities in a globalizing economy: new perspectives on the economic integration of Roman Italy, Brill, (New York and Leiden): pp.388-406.
Veal, R. (2017) ‘The Politics and Economics of Ancient Forests: timber and fuel as levers of Greco-Roman control’ in Economy and Inequality : Resources, Exchange and Power in Classical Antiquity: Entretiens sur L’Antiquité Classique: 63, Fondation Hardt, Geneva: pp. 317-368.
Veal, R. (2017) 'Fuel in food production,' Tidjschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie (TMA) 56 Special Issue: Mediterranean Food Economies, (eds) Heinrich, F.B.J and Hansen, A.M: pp. 32-37.
Veal, R. (2017) ‘Firewood.’ Entry in The Encyclopedia of Ancient History Online (gen ed). R. Bagnall, Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.
Veal, R., L. O’Donnell, and L.C. McParland (2016) ‘Reflectance - current state of research and future directions for archaeological charcoal; results from a pilot study on Irish Bronze Age cremation charcoals’ Journal of Archaeological Science (75) 72-81
Vairo, M.R., Veal, R. and de Simone, G.F. (2015). L'evidenza per l'economia del legno e legna in Campania: i carboni dal nord Vesuvio del tardo antico. Rivista di Studi Pompeiani XXIV (cover is ante-dated 2013).
Veal, R. (2014). 'Pompeii and its hinterland connection: the fuel consumption of the House of the Vestals, c. third BC to AD 79.' European Journal of Archaeology,
Veal, R. (2013). ‘Fuelling Ancient Mediterranean Cities: a framework for charcoal research,’ in The Ancient Mediterranean between Environment and History, W.V. Harris (ed.), Columbia Classical Studies Series: pp. 37-58.
McCallum, M., vanderLeest, H., Veal, R., Taylor, A., Cooney, L., and Brown, L. (2013). The Roman villa at San Felice: investigations, 2004-2010, Mouseion Series 3.11; pp-25-108 (Journal of the Classical Association of Canada)
Veal, R. (2012). 'From context to economy: charcoal as an archaeological interpretive tool, a case study from Pompeii 3rd c. BC to AD 79,' in More than Just Numbers? The Role of Science in Roman Archaeology. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement No. 91, I.E. Schrüfer-Kolb (ed.), Ch 2, pp 19-52.
Veal, R. (2012). 'Examining continuity in the Landscape: the Late Roman fuel consumption of Insula IX at Calleva,' in Silchester and the study of Romano-British Urbansim, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement No. 90, Michael Fulford, (ed.) pp 225-248.
Veal, R., O’Donnell, L. and McParland, L. (2011). ‘Measuring burn temperatures from charcoal using the reflectance method: first results from an Irish Bronze Age Cremation Site.’ In 5th International Meeting of Charcoal Analysis. The Charcoal as Cultural and Biological Heritage, Badal, E., Carriòn, Y., Grau, E., Macías, M. and Ntinou., M., (edd.), Saguntum Extra 11:21-22 (refereed extended abstract). Extended article submitted to JAS, now online.
McParland, L.C., Collinson, M.E., Scott, A.C., Campbell, G. and Veal, R. (2010), 'Is vitrification in charcoal a result of high temperature burning of wood?' Journal of Archaeological Science (37) pp. 2679-2687.
(in press, 2020). Veal, R., Murphy, C., Slucky, A. & Leon, A. ‘Environmental results’ in Aeclanum excavations 2015-2018. FOLD&R Online.
Veal, R. (in prep). Book: 'Fuelling Pompeii: a synthetic study of the wood fuel economy of the city and its hinterland', Accordia Publishers, University of London.
Veal, R. (in prep). e-Book: 'A Charcoal Atlas of Ancient Campanian Woods'
Short reports are produced annually for excavation teams as required.