Projects in Pompeii and Campania
Apolline Project, Southern Campania (Director, Dr Ferdinando de Simone)
Environmental director since 2010 (ongoing). A late Roman bath excavation has in latter years revealed a villa with important mosaics at Pollena Trocchia. The site won the European Heritage Prize in 2011. From a distinctive eruption that provides a terminus ante quem from the Late Antique period, a range of excavations throughout the area has proceeded to below the AD79 eruption, in some places to the Bronze Age. A laboratory has been set up for processing excavated materials (including environmental data), with the kind assistance of the local commune at Pollena Trocchia. In 2016 a new phase of the Apolline project commenced at Aeclanum, a substantial Late Roman city in the Campanian hinterland. An integrated environmental pilot in 2017 studied animal bones, charcoal, macrobotanicals and phytoliths (preliminary report complete; publication in prep). Funded by Edinburgh, UCL and Cambridge.
Environmental director since 2010 (ongoing). A late Roman bath excavation has in latter years revealed a villa with important mosaics at Pollena Trocchia. The site won the European Heritage Prize in 2011. From a distinctive eruption that provides a terminus ante quem from the Late Antique period, a range of excavations throughout the area has proceeded to below the AD79 eruption, in some places to the Bronze Age. A laboratory has been set up for processing excavated materials (including environmental data), with the kind assistance of the local commune at Pollena Trocchia. In 2016 a new phase of the Apolline project commenced at Aeclanum, a substantial Late Roman city in the Campanian hinterland. An integrated environmental pilot in 2017 studied animal bones, charcoal, macrobotanicals and phytoliths (preliminary report complete; publication in prep). Funded by Edinburgh, UCL and Cambridge.
via Consolare Project (Pompeii) (Director, Dr Michael Anderson, San Francisco University)
Environmental advisor (continuing). The Via Consolare Project has been recording and excavating two sites either side of the Herculaneum Gate, along a major Pompeiian road since 2005. Significant charcoals were excavated in 2009, including domestic fuel remains, and building timbers - charcoals believed to have been created during the pyroclastic flow stage of the Vesuvian eruption (AD 79). Charcoal identification and reflectance testing has commenced on these charcoals, and a first paper is in preparation.
Environmental advisor (continuing). The Via Consolare Project has been recording and excavating two sites either side of the Herculaneum Gate, along a major Pompeiian road since 2005. Significant charcoals were excavated in 2009, including domestic fuel remains, and building timbers - charcoals believed to have been created during the pyroclastic flow stage of the Vesuvian eruption (AD 79). Charcoal identification and reflectance testing has commenced on these charcoals, and a first paper is in preparation.
Anglo-American Project in Pompeii (D. Robinson, University of Oxford). Post-excavation/publication managers: Dr Hilary Cool, Barbican Associates and Dr Michael Anderson, San Francisco University)
The AAPP excavated a whole city block (VI.i) from the AD 79 eruption level to natural, (where possible), between 1994 and 2006. Post-excavation analysis and reporting continues. A range of papers have been published over the years. Most recently the team published the House of the Surgeon monograph (2017). Synthesis of environmental approach and results are included.
Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia (Director, Dr S. J. Ellis, University of Cincinatti)
Environmental specialist since 2005. The PARP:PS project finalised its excavation in 2011 examining a little known part of Pompeii near the entertainment district. Excavations revealed a complex of plebian cottage industries (early) and retail premises (late). Annual excavation reports can be found on FASTI-online. The team is currently undertaking post excavation study, and an environmental monograph is under preparation.
Environmental specialist since 2005. The PARP:PS project finalised its excavation in 2011 examining a little known part of Pompeii near the entertainment district. Excavations revealed a complex of plebian cottage industries (early) and retail premises (late). Annual excavation reports can be found on FASTI-online. The team is currently undertaking post excavation study, and an environmental monograph is under preparation.