Selected Ongoing Project Collaborations
Environment & Economy in Ancient Campania - Director Robyn Veal (Cambridge). A long-term
multidisciplinary project to rewrite the history of Campania from 500 AD to AD 500, using organic data as the
basis for economic modelling. The project had its first workshop: 'Environment to economy in Ancient Campania:
moderating and modeling the data', in March 2016. Further details on ResearchGate.
Competition, Resources, and the Consolidation of Social Complexity in Bronze Age Sardinia
(Director: E. Holt, Buffalo).
This project is examining socio-cultural change at Nuraghe sites in the Siddi Plateau through the lens of natural resource consumption.
Burn Temperatures of Irish Bronze Age Cremations (Director: Robyn Veal: University of Sydney (through the Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis); Lorna O'Donnell, University College, Dublin; and Laura McParland, CSIRO, Sydney & Royal Holloway University of London)
Using the reflectance technique, this project examined burn temperatures from cremation charcoals and interpreted the results in light of taxon differences; depositional and taphonomic issues; and archaeological recovery methods. Now complete, article now online (JAS). A further article on Angkorian iron slag charcoals is in preparation.
Gabii Project (Director: Professor Nicola Terrenato, University of Michigan)
Invited as an environmental advisor and collaborator since June 2010, for charcoal research exploring cultural and economic uses of wood fuel, from the tenth century BC to second/third centuries AD (Lazio, Tiber Valley, outside Rome). Also studying examinng material from under Sant'Omobono (central Rome) - 8th century BC onwards.
multidisciplinary project to rewrite the history of Campania from 500 AD to AD 500, using organic data as the
basis for economic modelling. The project had its first workshop: 'Environment to economy in Ancient Campania:
moderating and modeling the data', in March 2016. Further details on ResearchGate.
Competition, Resources, and the Consolidation of Social Complexity in Bronze Age Sardinia
(Director: E. Holt, Buffalo).
This project is examining socio-cultural change at Nuraghe sites in the Siddi Plateau through the lens of natural resource consumption.
Burn Temperatures of Irish Bronze Age Cremations (Director: Robyn Veal: University of Sydney (through the Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis); Lorna O'Donnell, University College, Dublin; and Laura McParland, CSIRO, Sydney & Royal Holloway University of London)
Using the reflectance technique, this project examined burn temperatures from cremation charcoals and interpreted the results in light of taxon differences; depositional and taphonomic issues; and archaeological recovery methods. Now complete, article now online (JAS). A further article on Angkorian iron slag charcoals is in preparation.
Gabii Project (Director: Professor Nicola Terrenato, University of Michigan)
Invited as an environmental advisor and collaborator since June 2010, for charcoal research exploring cultural and economic uses of wood fuel, from the tenth century BC to second/third centuries AD (Lazio, Tiber Valley, outside Rome). Also studying examinng material from under Sant'Omobono (central Rome) - 8th century BC onwards.